2024-04-21 (Sunday)
Location : Sha Tau Kok
Leader : Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION
Category : PTA / Parent Participation

Even with heavy rain, it didn't hinder the annual PTA Family Tour. The event took place last Sunday and was successfully held with the participation of 126 parents, students, teachers, and the principal. Thank you all for your enthusiastic support! We visited the Lau Shui Heung Reservoirs, which had a panoramic view and fresh air. Despite the rain, we had an unforgettable experience touring the Kang Yung Study Hall (also known as Kang Yung Shu Uk). We then proceeded to enjoy a specialty Poon Choi in the Sha Tau Kok Farm, where we also had a simple DIY session for making tea cakes. It was a delightful day spent together.

Looking forward to next year's PTA Family Tour!