Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics

2019-01-25 (Friday)
Category : Academic
Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) is an annual software programming competition for secondary students in Hong Kong, emphasizing on problem solving techniques and programming skills. It is organized by the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education (HKACE), Education Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (EDB), and co-organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The competition is divided into two groups, the age limit for the Junior Group is 17 while the age limit for the Senior Group is 20. Medalists will then be invited to join the HKOI Training Team for intensive training.

Junior Group - Gold Medal

5D Lee Kin Chung


Senior Group - Bronze Medal

6A Poon Tsz Kin